Ramadan is the month of generosity, compassion and solidarity. It is the perfect time to extend
Popular Solidarity Iftar
Each Ramadan Basket contains essential foods
Help to buy medicines
Aid project aimed at purchasing food for needy families in Morocco, including widows, orphans and sick people.
Let's help Souad
after the devastating La Dana disaster in Valencia.
Together, we can bring water and hope to those who need it most. Join today and transform lives!
Mustafa is an old man who faces a critical situation.
Mrs Aichatu Ambross and her daughter Khadija Camara have been left homeless
Help me help little 10 year old Aya
Can you imagine doing your iftar and thinking that another person in Morocco is also being able to eat thanks to your help?
This brave son has been his mother's primary caregiver.
Help for food supplies for children
Many people have been left homeless and even killed. In addition to the immediate threat of violence
The Muslim has the duty to come to the rescue of his neighbor
Rebuilding Morocco
Sponsor a hafiza and be rewarded for reading and memorizing the holy Quran
Speech therapy for the little llama
Together united to help Hafsa in his fight against Cancer
Celebrating Eid with the homeless
The NGO Umnia in collaboration with APN (Arab group for the protection of nature) within the framework of the 1 Million Trees project
This Eid gives a smile to disadvantaged families in troubled areas
Did you know that many people have to borrow in stores to be able to
Seeking a reward in continued charity
Let's all help Douae together!
One more year, from the association of the Islamic Center in Carmel
Offer an Iftar as Sadaqah
SOCIAL DINING ROOM FOR THIS RAMADAN. Where insha allah the Iftar menus will be distributed every night
The situation is very dangerous due to the low temperatures that can..
We need money to make ends meet
Siham needs a home for her two orphaned children
Do you dream of doing Umrah or taking a loved one?
Participle en is kheer
Mrs. Ayoubayigani, 75, needs a new bathroom due to her advanced age and difficult mobility
Emergency Relief Yemen Food Medicines Treatment
Urgent campaign to help families affected by the incidents in Larache and Lksar Lakbir
Participate in the purchase of Udhiya for needy families
Urgent help for marriage without resources
My father asks you for help.
Make this family happy for Eid al-Adha
Udhya 🐑 needy families in Morocco🇲🇦
A welcome for those most in need
Participate in the 1 Million Trees project
Ramadan food packages Uganda 2022 for orphans and widows
Crowdfunding Umrah
Help this family who are going to be left homeless after the death of their mother
Needy woman with 3 children
Food for Ramadan to families in Morocco
Collection to help a family living in inhumane conditions, they are having a very hard time.
Come all, benefactors and benefactresses, and let us all cooperate to shelter this homeless family.
Our goal with this campaign is to continue providing clothing, food and blankets to the hundreds of thousands of refugees.
Olivos Project in Palestine.
Little Aren urgently needs a drug that will save his life
Fatema's family needs our help to build a stable roof where they can live.
Help youssef
We raffle 2 Umrah among donors
Help us repatriate the body of Ahmed allah yrhmo to Morocco.
family has lost their house due to a fire and they do not have the income to fix their house.
Aicha and her children need a roof where they can live with dignity and peace.
Help us avoid the eviction of Mina
Plant your seed in the creation of Umnia
solidarity campaign solar energy installation
Urgent leg operation
Debt that leads to losing a home
Fundraising to buy lambs from needy families in Morocco
Haytam urges him a chair to correct his posture
Support palestine
Girls need change of hearing aids
Food packages to families in need in Morocco
Well construction X1-PRO
39-year-old widowed woman in charge of 2 children, one suffering from diabetes and she suffering from breast cancer. Victim of gender violence.
Mijas Costa flood aid for Oracio
Fatima, a young mother of 4 children, needs one last attempt at an operation on her hand
Help a family pay their rent and try to fix the room they rent
Let's help this family in need
Help the family of Mohamed the missing sailor
Humble family in distress
Impidamos la incineración de un feto
Ayudemos a estos padres con un niño
Ayudemos a esta pobre mujer
En el banco de alimentos luchan a diario para hacer llegar alimentos a aquellos que lo necesitan
Viuda sin recursos sin casa y con dos hijos uno de ellos discapacitado
Khadija de 64 años necesita un techo y poder comer .
ayuda a una mujer con cancer de pecho sin recursos en situacion ilegal
CANCER DE MAMÁ. Ayudemos a Latifa: Si no hace la radioterapia URGENTEMENTE, se muere.
Let's help the Moroccan family
Ayudemos a Adam Dadi que tiene cáncer
¡Ayudemos a Khalida a recuperar su vista!
Nabil necesita ayuda para inshallah superar esta enfermedad
Finalizado, jazzaka allah u khiran hermanxs!
problemas económicos
Ayuda a un padre de familia numerosa que tiene saratan.
Hidaya de 6 meses, tiene una malformación en el corazón. SI NO SE OPERA DE URGENCIA, MORIRÁ.
Abdelkader sufre con dos enfermedades graves ayudémoslo
Estamos en una situación complicada y necesitamos vuestra ayuda Bi Idni Allah
Padre de familiar numerosa y con nietos a cargo(marruecos)
Líbano sufre una catástrofe….¡Hagamos algo antes de que sea tarde!
Ayudemos a Aziz a operarse del corazón.
Hidaya necesita operarse urgentemente para arreglar su malaformación en el corazón
¡¡Ayudemos a Douae y a su familia!!
Ayudemos todos juntos a esta niña de 3 años enferma.
En este Eid queremos aportar algería a 50 familias, 50 hogares para que puedan celebrar el Eid
Pan para refugiados sirios en los campos de refugiados
Ayudemos a los necesitados en Eid ALADHA en Palestina
Madre de 4 hijos con cancer de mama grave
Mi madre, hermana y sobrinos duermen en la calle, por favor ayúdanos para conseguirles alquiler
Ayudemos a esta familia que nos necesita.
Ayuda a Karima y a sus hijos para que puedan comer
أنقذ مستشفى الإيمان
Ayudemos a esta mujer y a sus hijos
AYUDA para Samira Ben Ali
Mouad se tiene que operar Orquidopexia
Planta tu Olivo propio en Palestina
Niño de 14 años problemas de visión con trasplante de córnea
Repatriación de musulman fallecido sin recursos
Ayudemos a SALMA
Ayudemos a Mohamed con cancer
Para armar cajas con alimentos y repartir en Barcelona y el maresme
Ayudémonos todos entre todos!Sino puedes ayudar donando ayuda compartiendo!
Ayudemos a la pobre mujer tiene a dos hijos enfermos, y se le está callendo la casa encima
Salvemos a Fatima 18 años, su hígado NO FUNCIONA, no tienen recursos ni un padre que trabaje por ella. Su tratamiento es caro.
Padre de familia numerosa con cáncer de craneo
Ayuda para medicacion ,rehabilitacion , tratamiento de corazon ,etc
desahuciado en pleno confinamiento y durante el sagrado mes de Ramadan
Zakat al Fitr
También ellos tienen derecho a recibir un regalo el día de Eid-al-fitr
Pass on from me, even if it is just a verse.
Contribuye con tu zakat con los más necesitados
Tu Zakat Al-Fitr aliviará a los más necesitados.
Zakat al-Fitr, es uno de los actos obligatorios que los musulmanes deben realizar durante el mes sagrado del Ramadán.
Avoid the closure of the local Iqra association
Menús completos para Iftar una persona y lotes de alimentos para una semana
Amin tiene cáncer, pero no lo va a afrontar solo
Ayudemos a que más personas vulnerables tengan un plato de comida caliente en este sagrado mes.
Comprar hogar a familia con disfunción
Campaña Ramadán: Invítame Al-Iftar
Campaña del iftar. El Centro Cultural Islámico de Valencia ofrecerá una cena solidaria para musulman@s sin recursos en Ramadán, ¡ Animate y colabora!
El objetivo de la campaña es ofrecer Sohor/Iftar a los refugiados en Aleppo e Idlib
100 habitaciones para 100 Viudas y sus Huérfanos