This campaign has ended
This campaign has ended
Assalamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,
In a moment that resonates with the Hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, where he said: "Whoever relieves a fellow believer's distress from the distressful aspects of this world, Allah will rescue him from a difficulty of the difficulties of the Hereafter..." (Sahih Muslim), we find Libya standing amidst unparalleled ruins, pain, and despair.
On September 11, 2023, Hurricane Daniel mercilessly ravaged Libya, leaving behind more than 12,000 souls to return to Allah, with countless others still missing and distressed. The heart-wrenching scenes of devastation are a strong call to the Ummah to rise, unite, and extend a helping hand.
Bonyan teams are on the ground, tirelessly embodying the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to be a mercy to the world. They are striving to provide comfort, shelter, and essential needs to our brothers and sisters suffering in Libya. But their efforts need your support, kindness, and generosity.
As narrated by Ibn Abbas, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "The believer is not one who fills his stomach while his neighbor is hungry." (Authenticated by Al-Albani). Let us ensure that our brothers and sisters in Libya do not go hungry, cold, and abandoned in this critical time.
Do your part to help Libya recover.
Your action today embodies the Sunnah of compassion, kindness, and brotherhood that our Prophet, peace be upon him, taught us. By donating, you are offering hope and actively participating in the noble cause of saving lives and alleviating suffering.
Be part of this sacred act of helping one another, of building bonds of brotherhood, and of embodying the mercy that Islam teaches us to extend in times of crisis.
Support Libya, support humanity. Together, under the banner of Islamic solidarity, we can restore hope and rebuild lives, one family at a time.
Jazakum Allah Khairan,
This campaign has ended
Allah isehel l'omor 🤲🏼🤲🏼
01 YAlhamdulilah 🤲🏻
01 YAlhamdulilah 🤲🏻
01 YLa illaha illah allah, La hawla wa la quwwata illah billah, Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, Subhanallahi al adheem, Allah u akbar, Al hamdulillah ia rabbi l3alamin 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
01 YAllahuma ansur ikhuanana al muslimin fi kuli makanin warhamna wahfadhna allahuma ja3alna mina sabirin wa mina almutawakilin wa min ahlu ljanatu al firdaws al a3la
01 YQue allah os ayude y que allah me cure de todo
01 YQue allah los alivie y perdone mis pecados
01 YAllah ihdina u ihdina walidina u jami3 lmuslimin
01 YQue Allah los proteja 🤲💚
01 YAllah isehel l'omor 🤲🏼🤲🏼
01 YAllahuma yassir wala tu’assir 🤍
01 YAlhamdulilah 🤲🏻
01 YPor mi madre allah irehma y x mi
01 YLaillaha illa allah, allahuma sali 3ala naviyuna muhamada salah allah waleyhi wa salam
01 YLa illaha illah Allah, La hawla wa la quwwata illah billah, Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, Subhanallahi al adheem, Allah u akbar, Al hamdulillah ia rabbi l3alamin 🤲🏻🤲🏻
01 YAllah isehel l'omor
01 YQue Allah Exaltado Sea nos haga de los victorios!
01 Y🤲🏼
01 Y🤲🤲🤲
01 YLaillaha illa allah allah u akbar, allahuma sali 3ala nabiyina Mohamed salah allah wa3aleyhi wassalam
01 YSubhanallah
01 YQue Allah los tenga en su gloria
01 YLa illaha illah allah, La hawla wa la quwwata illah billah, Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, Subhanallahi al adheem, Allah u akbar, Al hamdulillah ia rabbi l3alamin🤲🏻
01 YAlah irham jami3 lmuslimin y este con ellos
01 YAllah itakabal
01 Ypara LIBIA
01 YQue Allah le conceda el jannah Yasmina , aminn
01 YRabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khairin faqir 🤲. Allahumma ihdinna ila siratika almustakima🤲
01 YQue allah acepte nuestras buenas acciones in sha allah
01 YPido Du3ae para mi hermana, se recupere de una operación ya que está en estado crítico, y en genera por los fallecidos de Libia Allahyrehmom. Gracias!
01 YAllahi taqabal
01 YAllah i ta9abal mena ya rab 🤲🤲
01 YAllah ikun m3ahom
01 Y🤲
01 YAllah yrhamek w ywsa3 elik alhbib diali ya rabi tkon m ahla jaaannah 🤲🏻
01 YAllah i3awnhom
01 YQue Allah nos ayude a todos 🤲🏽
01 YAllah i3aunom ya rabi 🤲🏻
01 YYa rabi rham jedo Abderrahman y a todos los musulmanes muertos en el terremoto de Marruecos y las inundaciones de Libia. Ya rabi smahli dnib dyali✨
01 Y🇱🇾🤲🏻❤️
01 YAllah i3awanhom.
01 Yalhamdulilah
01 YDuaa por me no me siento nada bien 🤲🏼 jazzakum khairan
01 Yالله يغفر لنا
01 Yاللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فعف عنا، اللهم اغفر لنا اللهم إنا اسودعناك ارواحنا و أنفسنا و أهلنا و أقاربنا و إخواننا المسلمين يا من لا تضيع ودائعه يا الله، اللهم ابدل عسرنا يسرا و ابدل شدتنا بالفرج ، القريب، اللهم اختر لي و لا تخيرني اللهم أمين
01 YAlláh iw9af mha3on🤲🏻
01 YAllah iraham todos nuestros hermanos que han fallecido!! 🇱🇾🇲🇦
01 Y
Anonymous donation Donated 5€
Allah isehel l'omor 🤲🏼🤲🏼
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 2€
Alhamdulilah 🤲🏻
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 2€
Alhamdulilah 🤲🏻
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 1€
La illaha illah allah, La hawla wa la quwwata illah billah, Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, Subhanallahi al adheem, Allah u akbar, Al hamdulillah ia rabbi l3alamin 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Allahuma ansur ikhuanana al muslimin fi kuli makanin warhamna wahfadhna allahuma ja3alna mina sabirin wa mina almutawakilin wa min ahlu ljanatu al firdaws al a3la
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Que allah os ayude y que allah me cure de todo
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 20€
Que allah los alivie y perdone mis pecados
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 50€
Allah ihdina u ihdina walidina u jami3 lmuslimin
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Que Allah los proteja 🤲💚
01 Y