This campaign has ended
This campaign has ended
Assalamu Aleikum waa rahmatu allah Our Prophet Mohamad ﷺ said “Whoever supports the orphan (in terms of maintenance, clothing, education, etc.) and I, we will be in Paradise [as close] as these two.” indicating her index and middle fingers. [In the Bukhari] Today I am asking for help for Siham, a twenty-nine year old woman who lives in Morocco (Nador) widow and with a disability in her left hand and with two children. Widow in charge of two children Her husband, who is the breadwinner of the family, died in a motorcycle accident two months ago and gave up his 29-year-old wife and two children under the age of ten practically on the street. Currently, he lives in a neighbor's house until he can afford to pay a rent for herself and her children, she has a boy and a girl of school age. Her state of health does not allow her to go out to work at the moment, she is depressed and with one hand in front and the other behind and without a penny. Currently The neighbors are helping her with the monthly purchases but she still lacks a home, so I started this campaign to raise some money for her so that she can afford to rent at least one room for her and her children. Let's all do it together. laughing at those two poor orphan children as our Prophet Mohamed ﷺ ordered us Abu Hurairah (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever seeks to meet the needs of the widow and the poor, he will have the merit of the Muyâhid (wrestler) Baraka Allahu fikum.
This campaign has ended
Ya rabbi dehdini u dini f trek del khair
01 YAllah ayudanos, perdónanos y no nos abandones Amin Ayúdame ya rab a volver a rezar
01 YAllah i 3awen jami3 lmuslimin❤️
01 YAllah yseerlna 😊♥️
01 YAllah i 3aunkom amin
01 YHaced mucho dua por mi, estoy en una situación difícil.
01 YQue Allah los proteja y los tenga en su cuidado.
01 YRabbi inni li ma anzaltahu min khairin fa9ir. Allahuma irzu9ni azawj asali7 3ajil ghaira ajil. Allahumma ikhtarli wa la tukhairni.
01 YAllah yahafdk
01 Y😊♥️🤲🏼
01 YAl hamdu li Allah
01 YAllah y3awenha
02 YQ allah te ayude
02 YRabi m3ak khti 🤲🏻😘
02 YAllah i3awnek akhti
02 YEn nombre de mi padre Allah irahmo
02 YQue allah le conceda salud mental y una vida llena de paz con sus hijos
02 YQue allah os facilite la situación inchallah
02 YAllah ikon f3awnha ya rab
02 YAllah ifarajha Alik ya Rabi Amin 🤲🏻
02 YFi sabili allah. D3iw m3aya bchifa 🤲🏻
02 YAllah siempre esta con nosotros
02 YRabbi inni li ma anzaltahu ilaya min khairin fa9ir.
02 Y🫶🏼
02 YAllah yftahna biban lkher 😊
02 YIkoun kher nchalah
02 YAllah i3auen amin
02 YAlah yerham jedati
02 YAllah almusta3an
02 YQue Alah acepte mis donaciones insha'alah y pueda ayudar siempre que pueda.
02 YAllah les facilite todo en esta vida y la otra
02 YAlah y chafiha
02 YAllah i3awnha u i3awan jami3 lmuslimin 🤲🏼
02 YAllah e3aunak🤲
02 YAllah nos perdone todos los pecados Amin
02 YAllhoma ashfee j-ami3 al muslimin ya rab
02 YLay3awnkom, enshaallah
02 YLah ichafiha u isahal 3liha ya rebii🤲🏻🤲🏻
02 YDua para mi familia para mi y para toda la umah
02 YAllah ayuda a los mas necesitados y danos la oportunidad de poder ayudar🤲🏻
02 YAllah yew9af m3aha u m3a wlidata yarbi
02 YAllah iw9af m3aha🤲🏻
02 YQue sea fi mizan alhassanat. Ya allah protege mi familia y el bebe de mi vientre de todo mal.. allahuma zidna wa 9awi 9ulubana bil Iman. Allahuma kun ma3ana wala 3alayna. Allahuma ya karim ya 3afou fa 3fu 3ana.
02 YAllah isehel 3lihum
02 YQue allah swt me ajunte con la persona que quiero en hlal ya rabi 🤲🏻
02 YQue allah la ayude a criar a sus hijos y sean de duria sali7a
02 YYa Allah alivia nuestros corazones acepta esta donación y que mi madre esté bien, ya Allah curala in sha Allah ya Allah ten piedad de nosotros acepta nuestra baraka, acercanos al din, perdonanos
02 Y
Anonymous donation Donated 4€
Ya rabbi dehdini u dini f trek del khair
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Allah ayudanos, perdónanos y no nos abandones Amin Ayúdame ya rab a volver a rezar
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 10€
Allah i 3awen jami3 lmuslimin❤️
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 2€
Allah yseerlna 😊♥️
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allah i 3aunkom amin
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 20€
Haced mucho dua por mi, estoy en una situación difícil.
01 YMayssa Khaidar Donated 5€
Que Allah los proteja y los tenga en su cuidado.
01 YAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Rabbi inni li ma anzaltahu min khairin fa9ir. Allahuma irzu9ni azawj asali7 3ajil ghaira ajil. Allahumma ikhtarli wa la tukhairni.
01 YLaura Prats Rodríguez Donated 8€
Allah yahafdk
01 Y