This campaign has ended
This campaign has ended
Allah knows what happened, what is happening, what will happen, and what did not happen, if it were to happen as it would have happened: nothing escapes His knowledge, whether important or insignificant.
A few months ago, during our trip to Morocco, destiny led us to meet AbouBakar Camara, a 14-year-old Guinean boy.
AbouBakar had left his hometown, Conakry, the year before at the age of 13, alone, with the idea of reaching a place where he could earn money to help his mother and sister, who had been evicted from the room they were renting. SubhanaAllah! The story of this young boy deeply moved us, and we have remained in contact with him. Only Allah, SWT, knows why the paths of two people cross.
Through our contact, we have held video calls in French with Mrs. Aichatu and her daughter Khadija, who have told us and shown us the difficult situation they are living in.
Allah, SWT, has brought us closer to this desperate mother so that, being His faithful, we may dignify her and help her out of this situation.
With the funds we raise, we want to help them pay the rent for a room in the peripheral neighborhood of Conakry, Guinea, where they live. The rent costs €50 per month, and with €500, we could cover up to 10 months, inshaAllah.
*We have videos showing the mother and the place where they live, as well as all the belongings from the evicted house. We cannot share them here, but we can provide them at any time, as well as their contact information.
Ramadan Karim, may Allah, SWT, accept your fasting and your good deeds.
This campaign has ended
Ya Allah le facilite un nuevo y mejor hogar a Aichatu y a su familia, ya Allah haga de ella una mujer fuerte y luchadora, ya Allah esta donación la ayude y esté lleno de la baraka. Allahumma amin.
10 MQue Allah me cumpla mi sueño Inshallah
10 MQue allah las ayude, ojalá pudiera donar más pero es lo único que puedo ofrecer
10 MQue allah acepte nuestras aportaciones y que allah le facilite su situación. Allahuma amin.
10 MAllah i3awna 🤲🏽♥️
10 Mf sabil Allah
10 MYa Allah acepta mi donación y ayuda esta madre a vivir dignamente bajo un techo. Ya Allah concédenos nuestros Duaas siempre que haya un khir en ellas. Ya Allah concédenos a mi a todos mis herman@s musulmanes Jannatu Lfirdaws. . Que Allah tenga piedad con nuestras MADRES y les conceda un lugar altiiisimo🤲 Aminn
10 MAllah yata9abel
10 M🤲🏼.
10 MAllah i3awnom u allah ita9abal mina inshallah.
10 MAllah isahal🤍🙏🏻
10 MSadaka🤲🤲
10 MAllah irahmak abuela ♥️
10 MAllah y sahel inshallah
10 MRebbi ifarajha 3la kol meslem
10 MIn sha allah
10 MBi neyeh inshallah
10 MAllah ma3a sabirin 🤍
10 MAllahumma ta9abal syamna Allahiysahal 3la ljami3 Allahiy3awenna
10 M🙏🏽🥹mi granito de arena
10 MAllah ma3a sabirin
10 MQue Allah acepte esta zakat, y nos facilite el matrimonio en halal, y acepte nuestro ramadán in sha Allah
10 M🤍
10 MQue Allah swt les ayude yarabi
10 MQue الله les ayude🤲🏼
10 Mالله i rehmek ba
10 MQue sepas que siempre estaré haciendo duaa por ti y recordándote en mis rezos. Que Allah nos facilite las cosas en esta dunia y que nos permita reunirnos con nuestras madres en el Jannah inshallah. Ánimo!
10 M
Anonymous donation Donated 20€
Ya Allah le facilite un nuevo y mejor hogar a Aichatu y a su familia, ya Allah haga de ella una mujer fuerte y luchadora, ya Allah esta donación la ayude y esté lleno de la baraka. Allahumma amin.
10 MAnonymous donation Donated 3€
Que Allah me cumpla mi sueño Inshallah
10 MAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Que allah las ayude, ojalá pudiera donar más pero es lo único que puedo ofrecer
10 MAnonymous donation Donated 3€
Que allah acepte nuestras aportaciones y que allah le facilite su situación. Allahuma amin.
10 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allah i3awna 🤲🏽♥️
10 MAnonymous donation Donated 50€
f sabil Allah
10 MAnonymous donation Donated 16€
Ya Allah acepta mi donación y ayuda esta madre a vivir dignamente bajo un techo. Ya Allah concédenos nuestros Duaas siempre que haya un khir en ellas. Ya Allah concédenos a mi a todos mis herman@s musulmanes Jannatu Lfirdaws. . Que Allah tenga piedad con nuestras MADRES y les conceda un lugar altiiisimo🤲 Aminn
10 MAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Allah yata9abel
10 MAmal Mensouri Donated 5€
10 M