This campaign has ended
This campaign has ended
Accessing a burial space for Muslim people is becoming an obstacle course, not only for those who want to rest near their loved ones, but also in cases of repatriation.
We have been advocating for burial spaces, both public and private, for many years, and only a few have been achieved. In fact, only 1 out of 1000 cemeteries, out of the 17,850 cemeteries in Spain, are equipped to attend to and bury Muslim people.
We assumed the responsibility to demand this fundamental right at the beginning of 2023. Since then, we have created awareness campaigns on social media, a campaign on, met with more than 50 affected families, accompanied more than 10 families at different moments from death to remembrance, more than 100 mosque officials, 10 associations, and more than 20 political representatives, visited 3 autonomous communities. We have brought questions to municipal committees and filed a complaint with the Ombudsman.
We are aware that we cannot do this work alone, and that it is a legacy for the future, and that is why we want to count on your help to continue moving forward firmly.
Your donation will help us to:
This campaign has ended
This campaign has ended
Allahyar7em jami3 lmuslimin wal muslimat, allahyra7mek khuya S.
3 MAllah iwefek
3 MAllahuma arzu9na alhusna al khatima, wala ta9bid ruhana ila wanta radi 3ana 🤲🏼
3 MQue allah perdone mis pecados y los de mi familia y nos guíe por el buen camino amén
3 MAllahuma 3afirli 🤲🏻
4 MYa Allah permíteme casarme con la persona que está en mi corazón ameen
4 MAllahyrham jami3
4 MYa Allah chafiha in sha Allah , que le vaya bien la operación que el despiste q tiene se quede en nada y q todo vaya bien in sha Allah ya rabb, ra7ma u sahla in sha Allah
4 MAllah r7amna o r7am jdadna yarbi
5 MAllah isehel
5 Mالحمدلله يارب 🤲🏻 العالمين
5 MAllah w akbar
6 MAllah yarhamana wa yasturna fi dunia wal akhira 🤲🏻 Allahuma a3fu 3alaina wa agfir lana dunubana jami3a 🤲🏻
6 MDwa kher
6 MAllah ita9abal saleh a3mal,allah i3awen ljame3
6 MAllah isahal 3la yami3an
6 MFi sabili allah, allahuma ij3al hada lbaiti aminan
7 MHamdulillah por todo y que allah nos perdone. Astaghfirullah
7 MAllah yata9abel u isahel el trabajo
7 MQue Allah nos facilite este asunto in cha allah
7 MAllah itakabal
7 MPor mis padres, por mi cuñada en agradecimientos y por mi
7 Mاللهم ارزقنا حسن الخاتمه يا رب
7 MAllahuma arzu9na husna lkhatima
7 MHayri Allah
7 MNecesitamos solucionar este tema entre todos.
7 MFisabilillah sadaqa yaria mami ☝🏻papi y yo
7 MAllah I lahaknah bya muslimin
7 MYa alah borra mis pecados y ayúdame a casarme con la persona que amo. Ya rahmani Ya rahim ten piedad de mi y cumple mi deseo. Ya rahman dams la oportunidad de empezar mi relación en halal con él. No voy a aguantar verlo con otra mejor. Ya alah no permitas que se me rompa mi corazón y muera de dolor. Amiiin por todo
7 MAllah isehel
7 Mالحمدلله 🤲🏻
7 MAllah acepta nuestra sada9a y protégenos de todo mal InchaAlah 🤲🏻
7 MRabbi inni li ma anzaltahu ilaya min khairin fa9ir.
7 MInna li lah wa inna ilayhi rajii3uun🤲🏻
7 MLa illaha ila Allah wahdahu la sharika Allah lahu Mulku walahu Hamd Wa huwa 'ala kulli shaiin qadir
7 MYa arbi durrya saliha inche allah, ya arbi nos abras las puertas de lo bueno, nos quites del camino lo malo, y nos acerques a ti ya arbi
7 MLa illaha illah allah wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul mulk wa lahul hamdu wa hua ‘ala kulli sha’in qadir🤲🏻
7 MIn Shaa Allah
7 MAllah yrhamna
7 MQue allah facilite todo
7 Mالهم تقبل منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال يارب العالمين 🤲
8 MLa illaha illa Allah🤲🏻
8 M
Anonymous donation Donated 3€
Allahyar7em jami3 lmuslimin wal muslimat, allahyra7mek khuya S.
3 MAnonymous donation Donated 10€
Allah iwefek
3 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allahuma arzu9na alhusna al khatima, wala ta9bid ruhana ila wanta radi 3ana 🤲🏼
3 MAnonymous donation Donated 20€
Que allah perdone mis pecados y los de mi familia y nos guíe por el buen camino amén
3 MAnonymous donation Donated 2€
Allahuma 3afirli 🤲🏻
4 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Ya Allah permíteme casarme con la persona que está en mi corazón ameen
4 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allahyrham jami3
4 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Ya Allah chafiha in sha Allah , que le vaya bien la operación que el despiste q tiene se quede en nada y q todo vaya bien in sha Allah ya rabb, ra7ma u sahla in sha Allah
4 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allah r7amna o r7am jdadna yarbi
5 M