Let's recover the smile of 3 orphaned girls

Let's recover the smile of 3 orphaned girls

4.141€ raised out of 4.000€
  • 435 donors
  • 0 remaining days

This campaign has ended


Created 20 March 2024 | Family | Zakat Eligible

Assalam aleykum brother and sisters,

Our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "Whoever cares for an orphan (in terms of maintenance, clothing, education, etc.), he and I will be in Paradise [so close] like these two." indicating his index and middle fingers. [In Bukhari]

Leaving behind a widow and 3 girls

We are launching this campaign to help the family of a brother in Morocco (Taourirt) with limited resources who left behind a widow and three orphaned girls.

Mimoun Nasri was a man about 45 years old who died on February 27th in the sea off Nador, around 9:00 PM. On that day, a group of 56 brothers boarded a Phantom boat from Nador heading towards Spain in search of a better life. After a few minutes of starting the journey, the waves caused by the strong storm that night caused the boat to capsize in the middle of the sea and in complete darkness. Except for the two drivers, none of the 56 men on that boat were wearing life jackets or protective gear, and some of them didn't even know how to swim.

We are talking about people who risked their lives and savings to reach Spain and achieve a better life for themselves and their families. They embarked on this journey with hope for a better future, but destiny had other plans for them, and Mimoun was one of them.

Mimoun leaves behind three orphaned girls aged 12, 9, and 4. The mother and the girls are completely helpless, as they have no paternal or maternal grandparents, and the little family they have also lives day by day, barely able to support themselves.

His family is devastated. His wife and daughters remember again and again that last call in which their father or husband said goodbye to them and told them he would call them once he was in Spain. A call that never came, and, in the best-case scenario, was from the police asking them to identify the body.

We strongly encourage you to contribute your grain of sand in this sacred month of Ramadan, in which Allah multiplies the rewards for our good deeds. Don't forget that we are an Ummah, our Prophet ﷺ invites us to unite in all aspects, to help and support each other: "You see the believers in their mutual kindness, affection, and sympathy as one body, when a part of the body complains (is afflicted with something) the rest of the body responds with sleeplessness and fever." That woman and those girls have just lost the pillar of the house. We know perfectly well that with this, we will not bring back their father or husband, but we can alleviate their suffering a little. Life has deprived them of growing up with their father; let us not deprive them of being able to live an Eid minimally in conditions or to prepare for the start of school in September. Basic rights that no child should be deprived of.

Our goal is to raise as much money as possible to help the family, cover their most basic needs, and help them stand on their own.

Any contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference. You may think that €1 is not much and cannot change anything. But the truth is that a grain of sand alone is not noticeable, but many grains of sand together build mountains.

And of course, anyone who cannot help financially, a sincere duaa and sharing the cause will also help us reach more people, In Shaa Allah.

Jazakom Allaho khayran to all!

Comments (126)
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 13€

    Allah yerhamo w Allah i3awedhom kher

    11 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 1€

    Dua para toda esa gente que esta en situación dificil Allah les ayude!! Y quiero que este granito de arena ayude inchallah!!

    11 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 1€

    Allahoma inaka tohibo l3afwa fa 3fo 3ani.

    11 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 30€

    Allah irhamu ou yarham jami3 al mawta ou rabí yarza9 jami3 al yatama wa alfu9ara 🤲

    11 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    Allahuma chafini,min 3andika chifaa

    11 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 3€

    Que allah acepte nuestro perdón y nos guíe por el buen camino antes de que acabe ramadán🤲🏽

    11 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    Allah i3awnom🤲🏻

    11 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 1€

    La hawla wala quwata illa billah

    11 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 3€

    Allah i3awnom 🤲🏽♥️

    11 M
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