This campaign has ended
This campaign has ended
Assalam aleykum brother and sisters,
Our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "Whoever cares for an orphan (in terms of maintenance, clothing, education, etc.), he and I will be in Paradise [so close] like these two." indicating his index and middle fingers. [In Bukhari]
We are launching this campaign to help the family of a brother in Morocco (Taourirt) with limited resources who left behind a widow and three orphaned girls.
Mimoun Nasri was a man about 45 years old who died on February 27th in the sea off Nador, around 9:00 PM. On that day, a group of 56 brothers boarded a Phantom boat from Nador heading towards Spain in search of a better life. After a few minutes of starting the journey, the waves caused by the strong storm that night caused the boat to capsize in the middle of the sea and in complete darkness. Except for the two drivers, none of the 56 men on that boat were wearing life jackets or protective gear, and some of them didn't even know how to swim.
We are talking about people who risked their lives and savings to reach Spain and achieve a better life for themselves and their families. They embarked on this journey with hope for a better future, but destiny had other plans for them, and Mimoun was one of them.
Mimoun leaves behind three orphaned girls aged 12, 9, and 4. The mother and the girls are completely helpless, as they have no paternal or maternal grandparents, and the little family they have also lives day by day, barely able to support themselves.
His family is devastated. His wife and daughters remember again and again that last call in which their father or husband said goodbye to them and told them he would call them once he was in Spain. A call that never came, and, in the best-case scenario, was from the police asking them to identify the body.
We strongly encourage you to contribute your grain of sand in this sacred month of Ramadan, in which Allah multiplies the rewards for our good deeds. Don't forget that we are an Ummah, our Prophet ﷺ invites us to unite in all aspects, to help and support each other: "You see the believers in their mutual kindness, affection, and sympathy as one body, when a part of the body complains (is afflicted with something) the rest of the body responds with sleeplessness and fever." That woman and those girls have just lost the pillar of the house. We know perfectly well that with this, we will not bring back their father or husband, but we can alleviate their suffering a little. Life has deprived them of growing up with their father; let us not deprive them of being able to live an Eid minimally in conditions or to prepare for the start of school in September. Basic rights that no child should be deprived of.
Our goal is to raise as much money as possible to help the family, cover their most basic needs, and help them stand on their own.
Any contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference. You may think that €1 is not much and cannot change anything. But the truth is that a grain of sand alone is not noticeable, but many grains of sand together build mountains.
And of course, anyone who cannot help financially, a sincere duaa and sharing the cause will also help us reach more people, In Shaa Allah.
Jazakom Allaho khayran to all!
This campaign has ended
Allah yerhamo w Allah i3awedhom kher
11 MDua para toda esa gente que esta en situación dificil Allah les ayude!! Y quiero que este granito de arena ayude inchallah!!
11 MAllahoma inaka tohibo l3afwa fa 3fo 3ani.
11 MAllah irhamu ou yarham jami3 al mawta ou rabí yarza9 jami3 al yatama wa alfu9ara 🤲
11 MAllahuma chafini,min 3andika chifaa
11 MQue allah acepte nuestro perdón y nos guíe por el buen camino antes de que acabe ramadán🤲🏽
11 MAllah i3awnom🤲🏻
11 MLa hawla wala quwata illa billah
11 MAllah i3awnom 🤲🏽♥️
11 MQue allah perdone mis pecados, que me proteja y ayude a nuestra hermana viuda y sus hijos, amén
11 MAllah itaqabal
11 MAllahumma inni as'aluka 'ilman naafi'aa, wa rizqan tayyibaa, Wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan ALLAHU LATIFUM BI 'IBADIHI YARZUQU MAY-YA SHA WA HUWAL QAWIY-YUL 'AZIZ Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa zurriyatina qurrota 'ayunina waj'alna lil muttaqina imama. Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun, tuhibb al-'afwa, fa'fu 'anni
11 MEn nombre de mi padre, que allah acepte esta sadkha jaryia🤲🏾
11 MSadaqa
11 MSadaqa
11 MQue Allah los ayude in sha Allah.
11 M🤲
11 MAllahuma ustorhom bi sitrik ya allah
11 MAllah yta9abal ya rabb
11 MQue Allah me perdone por mis pecados
11 MMay Allah make it easy for them ya rab 🤲🏼
11 MAllahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibbu’l-‘afwa fa‘afu ‘anni 🤲
11 MQue allah acepte esta pequeña donación si pudiera daría más, allah m3akom.
11 Mاللْهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُعَنِّي Allahumma innaka `afuwwun tuhibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee
11 MFisabillah🤲🏻
11 MAllahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa’fu anna 🤲🏻
11 MAllahuma Aghfirli Wa li walidaya Wa lmuslimin ajma3in, allahuma Amin 🤲🏻
11 MQue الله facilite a todas las personas con dificultades y de mucho sbar a esta familia 🤲🏼 que الله nos guíe en el buen camino y nos dé el mejor de los finales y nos conceda el paraíso 🤲🏼 que acepte nuestras sadaqas y du3at
11 MRabí ini li ma anzalta ilaia fakir
11 MQue Allah acepte nuestro ayuno nuestro rezo y nuestro duaa. Allah yehdina jami3 moslimine 🤲
11 M🤲🏻🤲🏻❤️
11 Mان لله و ان اليه راجعون
11 MAllah yata9abal
11 MYa Allah haz de esta donación un bien para mi hermano. Protégelo de cualquier situación, y hazlo que regrese a tu camino, y sea del ahl al jannat. Ya Allah, no permitas que se vaya de este mundo, no sin antes centrarse y regresar hacia ti 🥺🤲🏽. Allah ichafi in sha allah
11 MAllahoma ashfi jami3 al muslimin w yashfi walidiya ya rabi anta shafi 🤲🏼
11 MAllah uma shafi ummi ya Rahman ya Rahim
11 MAllah ouma taqabal minna. Que Allah le facilite la vida a la madre y sus niñas. Allah irahmou w irham jami3 lmuslimin ya rab.
11 M🤲🏻
11 MYa Rabi tarzakna Aljanna alfirdaws w aljami3 almoslimin in'sha'allah 🤍
11 MFisabillah
11 MAllah yr7mo uy7em jami3 l mslmin
11 MRabbi inni li ma anzaltahu ilaya min khairin fa9ir.
11 MFisabililah ❤️
11 MAllah irahmu, Allah isehel 3lihoum w seberhoum.
11 MYa rebbi tsahl 3la dik bnitat 😞
11 M🤲
11 M🤲🏻
11 MAllah isa7al
11 Mallahuma ta9abal
11 MAllah ma3a sabirin
11 MAllah m3ahom
11 MSi Allah te ha puesto en una posición que te permite ayudar a otra persona, hazlo
11 MPongo mi granito fisabilillah, y espero que Allah swt me ayude in chaa Allah a mejorar como persona y sobre todo a realizar cada vez más obras buenas. Y que Allah swt me perdone en este ramadán por no cumplir con lo mejor de mi.
11 MLah ita9abal
11 MEspero que Allah les facilite todo, in cha Allah yarbi
11 M🤲🏾🤲🏾🤲🏾🤲🏾🤲🏾🤲🏾
11 MYa allah, ayudé a todas los musulmanes en este mes tan sagrado y hacer dua a mis padres.
11 MPor mi padre allah ira7mo. Si lo lees deseale Rahma.
11 MAllah eta9abal 🤲🏼
11 MAllah irahmo🤲🏼 u ysahaal 3la l3a2ila
11 MFi sabili allah
11 MSadaqa
11 Mاللهم تقبل منا
11 MQue Allah les ayude
11 MAllah yta9abal mena, Rabi 7fedli mamá u khoti.
11 MFisabillah 🤍
11 MAllah yrhmo u yrham jami3 lmuslimin🙏🏻
11 MAllah iaunkum
11 MAllah ikun m3ahom u iw9af m3a jami3 almuslimin inshallaah🤲🏻🤲🏻
11 MAllah irahmo u ierham jami3 muslimin allah ihfed ulidato, u Allah ikon m3ahom u Allah ierzakna bach nkodro ensedko 🤲🏼🥹
11 MBismillah , fi sabilillah
11 MFisabilillah
11 MFisabilah 🤲🏻
11 Mاللهم تقبل منا يارب 🤲🏻
11 MAllah i3awen🤲🏻
11 MAllah y 3awnum u i3awen ljami3 lmuslimin.
11 MAllah i rehmo u i sber 3ailto, allah i shafi mama ya rabi u 3tiha saha jdida inshalah 🤲🤲
11 Mاللهم ارحمه و اغفر له و كن عونا و سندا لعائلته،اللهم تقبل .
11 Mfisabillah
11 MQue Allah (swt) proteja a esta familia y que nos encontremos todos en el Jannah In sha Allah
11 MAllah yhfdhom
11 MAlah i sabarhum u i kun m3ahum ya rab
11 MAllah yrehmo
11 MYa Allah t3awnom u t3awenna Ya Allah tehdina Ya Allah tchafi ommi 🤲 Ya Allah tsma7na Allahuma ta9abal syamna 🤲
11 MQue Allah os ayude y os alivie el dolor. Que esas niñas crezcan felices , sanas y sobretodo con una buena salud mental.
11 MInna lillahi wa ina illaihi raji3un, que Allah colme de paciencia a su familia y le otorgue lo más alto de jannat al firdaws 🤲🏻
11 MAllah yrehmo o yrham jami3 lmoslimin Ya allah que todas mis preoucupaciones se vean resueltas y que todos los problemas de salud que sufro se curen ya raba l3alamin
11 MQue allah me conceda todo lo que desee mi corazón, in sha allah 🤲🏼
11 MAllah irahmo y cuide de sus hijas y esposa. Ya rab guíame, quítame esta ansiedad y ayúdame a aprobar y mejorar en mis estudios.🤲🏼
11 MRabbana atina fid-dunya hasana, wa fil-akhirati hasana, wa gina 'adhab-annar
11 MAllah ma3kom🤲🏻
11 MD3iwli con mis padres ichafihooom rebi lehbib u i3tihom saha jdida porfis 🤲🏻😔
11 MYa Allah dame la oportunidad de casarme con un buen hombre🤲🏼
11 MFisabilillah🤲🏻
11 MAllah yata9abel
11 MLah itakabal, ya allah que acepte nuestras duas y nos salve de todo mal inshallah 🤲🏻
11 MQue Allah las cuide 🤲🏼 y que os recompense por esta iniciativa
11 MQue ALLAH swt tenga misericordia de el hermano fallecido y ayude a esas pobres niñas huérfanas .
11 MLah yarahmo ❤️🩹
11 MAllah este con vosotros y os ayude en vuestra vida no es fácil estar solos espero que Allah os ayude en todo lo que necesitéis
11 MYa Allah 7en 3liya ana o wlidati 🤲🏻 w jami3 lmoslimin 🤲🏻
11 M❤️🩹
11 MAllah irahmo🤲🏻🥹
11 MAllah i r7amho ou tub 3lih, Allah i beddel mahaba be sbar
11 MAllahyrehmo u iwesa3 3lih u tsabar 3a9ilto incha allah yarabb
11 MAllah irahmo uallah ikun m3ahom yarab
11 MLah irahmo yarab u yerham jami3 muslimen o lah ita9abel mena swamna o ita9abel Lina fe had shar karem🤲🏻
11 MAlahwma ant lamoi3ain Taqabal laah mina w min lajami3
11 MEsta sada9a la hago por mi abuelo d3iw m3ah que itchafa inchallah, y las chicas allah i3awnhum u isbrhom u ikun m3ahum
11 MQuiera الله aceptar nuestras donaciones que son realizadas con sinceridad.
11 M🤲🏻🤲🏻💔
11 MLlah ikoun fi 3ounhome, d3iwe m3aya al khout nel9a khti twadrat d3iwe m3aya llah irhamlikome lwalidin
11 MAllah yrehmo y que Allah proteja y aguarde a esas niñas
11 MAllah yrahmo
11 MQue Allah lo tenga en su Rahma, perdone sus pecados y facilite el sustento a sus hijas y mujer 🤲🏻
11 MAllah yrahmo u yrham ljami3
11 MYa rab ya rab.
11 MAllah ita9abel meni
11 MYa Allah guiame, haz que mi corazón se tranquilize
11 MPor mi abuelo que acaba de fallecer, hacer duaa por él jazakum Allah khayran 🤲🏼
11 M🫂
11 MY allah es el mejor de los proveedores. Jumuah-11
11 MAllah ya3tihom sbar
11 MYa rabi yerham mama y le conceda el jannah w li jami3 almouslimin.
11 Mالله يسهل عليهم
11 M
Anonymous donation Donated 13€
Allah yerhamo w Allah i3awedhom kher
11 MAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Dua para toda esa gente que esta en situación dificil Allah les ayude!! Y quiero que este granito de arena ayude inchallah!!
11 MAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Allahoma inaka tohibo l3afwa fa 3fo 3ani.
11 MAnonymous donation Donated 30€
Allah irhamu ou yarham jami3 al mawta ou rabí yarza9 jami3 al yatama wa alfu9ara 🤲
11 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allahuma chafini,min 3andika chifaa
11 MAnonymous donation Donated 3€
Que allah acepte nuestro perdón y nos guíe por el buen camino antes de que acabe ramadán🤲🏽
11 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allah i3awnom🤲🏻
11 MAnonymous donation Donated 1€
La hawla wala quwata illa billah
11 MAnonymous donation Donated 3€
Allah i3awnom 🤲🏽♥️
11 M