Islamic Cemetery Project in Galicia


Islamic Cemetery Project in Galicia

5.256€ raised out of 20.000€
  • 426 donors
  • remaining days
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Created 24 April 2022 | Others

As Salam alaykum wa rahamatulahi wa barakatu dear brothers and sisters. In Galicia we do not have an Islamic cemetery, therefore when a brother or sister dies, we are forced to transfer the body to the country of origin (with the high cost that this entails), in cases where the deceased person is from Galicia. , or Spanish, in any case is to distance the deceased person from their loved ones. Leave a Sadaqay Yariah participating in the construction of the Muslim Cemetery From "UDID GALICIA" (Union of Islamic Communities of Galicia) we have been working on the project for the construction of an Islamic cemetery in Galicia for some time and thus, insha allah, solve the huge problem they suffer the more than 30,000 Muslims residing in Galicia. Alhamdulillah we already have a piece of land, which consists of 16,000 m2, from which, insha allah, the entire Galician Islamic community and whoever needs it can benefit. The first bureaucratic steps for the insha allah purchase of said land have already begun, the price of the same and the conditioning work amounts to €300,000, for this reason we ask for the support and collaboration of the entire national and international Islamic community insha allah to successfully achieve the purcha

In Galicia, we do not have an Islamic cemetery, so when a brother or sister passes away, we are forced to repatriate the body to the country of origin (at great expense). In cases where the deceased person is from Galicia or Spain, it means separating the departed from their loved ones.

Make a Sadaqay Yariah by participating in the construction of the Muslim Cemetery

UDID GALICIA (Union of Islamic Communities of Galicia) has been working on the project of building an Islamic cemetery in Galicia for some time now, in order to, Insha Allah, solve the significant problem faced by over 30,000 Muslims residing in Galicia.

Alhamdulillah, we already have a plot of land measuring 16,000 m2, which Insha Allah can benefit the entire Galician Islamic community and those in need. The initial bureaucratic steps for the purchase of this land have already begun, and the cost of the land and the necessary construction amounts to €300,000. Therefore, we ask for the support and collaboration of the national and international Islamic community, Insha Allah, to successfully complete the purchase and avoid further delays in the necessary construction work.

The construction work includes:

  • Enclosing the land with walls
  • Land conditioning
  • An electric gate
  • Prayer room
  • Room for preparing the deceased
  • An office

This is a wonderful opportunity that Allah (SWT) offers us in the form of Sadaqah Jariyah, where we can, Insha Allah, contribute. May Allah (SWT) make it easy for us in this beautiful, necessary, and beneficial project. Baraka allahu feekum to everyone for your support.

se, and that Insha allah does not continue to delay the beginning of the works necessary to condition the land. Said works consist of: * The walling of the land * Conditioning of the land * An electric gate * Prayer room * Room to prepare the deceased person * An office This is a wonderful opportunity that Allah (Swt) offers us in the form of Sadaqah Jariyah in which insha allah can collaborate. May Allah(Swt) give us ease in this beautiful, necessary and beneficial Insha allah project. Baraka allahu feekum to everyone for your support.

Comments (95)
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 2€

    Allah me alivie el corazon

    9 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 2€

    Ya Allah te pido que me protejas ami y a toda mi familia. Ya Allah proteje a mis padres y mis hermanos de cualquier mal. Guianos siempre por el buen camino, por tu camino ya Allah. Yarbi todos cumplamos los sueños bonitos que tenemos in sha allah. Y que Allah os cuide a todos vosotros, decir amin! Allahúmma sálli ‘ala Muhámmadin wa ali Muhámmad.

    9 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 50€


    01 Y
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 1€

    Ya rab, haz de esta sadaqa alivio y sosiego para mí corazón, ayudame en todos los problemas que se me han presentado y perdona y protege a mis padres del fuego del infierno.

    02 Y
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 2€

    Allah ita9abel mina wa minkum jami3a almuslimin 🤲🏼

    02 Y
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 2€

    Fisabillah, Bismillah, Al hamdulillah, La illaha illa allah, La hawla wa la quwata illah billah, Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, Subhana rabbi al ‘adheem🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻

    02 Y
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 1€

    Fisabillah, Al hamdulillah, La ilaha illah allah, Allah u akbar, La hawla wa la quata illah billahi al3ailiul adheem 🤲🏻🤲🏻

    02 Y
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 20€

    En nombre de mi abuelo Ahmed, que está enfermo. Haced Du3a en su nombre in sha allah

    02 Y
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 100€

    Takhabala allah

    02 Y
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