This campaign has ended
This campaign has ended
“One is not a believer who fills his stomach while his neighbor goes hungry.” Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (peace be upon him).
During the month of Ramadan, a period of spirituality and mercy, we request your support to help those homeless fasting under difficult conditions and lacking resources for a proper Iftar.
From the Association of Moroccan Women in Catalonia, we work to assist those in vulnerable situations. For years, we have provided Iftars to people with limited resources throughout the month of Ramadan, thus alleviating their burden and worry about breaking their fast.
The real purpose of this month is to share with those in need. That's why we ask for your collaboration so that more people feel at home during this sacred month.
We want to celebrate this month as a large family, especially with those far from their loved ones or without resources. Help us create that sense of belonging for everyone.
Now more than ever, we must come together and help the most in need. Together we can make a difference, bring hope and smiles to the most vulnerable.
We thank everyone who makes these actions possible, and may Allah accept their good deeds, inshaAllah.
Ramadan Mubarak to the entire Muslim community!
We wish you a happy month, full of peace and blessings, inshaAllah.
Baraka allahu fikum wa jazakum allahu khairan.
This campaign has ended
This campaign has ended
Allah yerza9na durriya saliha, ya rab que todos los musulmanes tengan éxito en esta vida y en la siguiente.
9 MAllah yerza9ni durriya saliha ya rab
9 MAllah itakabal
9 MAllahumma inni as'aluka 'ilman naafi'aa, wa rizqan tayyibaa, Wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan ALLAHU LATIFUM BI 'IBADIHI YARZUQU MAY-YA SHA WA HUWAL QAWIY-YUL 'AZIZ Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa zurriyatina qurrota 'ayunina waj'alna lil muttaqina imama. Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun, tuhibb al-'afwa, fa'fu 'anni
9 MAllah i taqqabal a todos los musulmanes, La illaha illa Allah🤲🏼
9 M🤲🤲🤲
9 MEid mobarak said 🤲🏼
9 MAllahumma ta9abal minna wa minkum🤲🏻🤲🏻
9 MHaz dua para poder completar la mitad de mi din Allah i ta9abal siyamana
10 MAllah ita9abal siyama wa ruku3ana wa sujudana 🤲🏻
10 MAllah yata9abal minaa
10 MHaz duaa por mi para encontrar a mi naseeb, tal vez alguno de ustedes esta mas cerca de Allah
10 MAllah ita9abal menna 🤲🏻
10 MAllahuma innaka 3afuwan tu7ibu al3afwa fa 3fu3ana🤲🏽🤍
10 MSi podéis hacer du3aa por mi madre allahyerhemha jaza akomo الله khayran🫶🏼🤍
10 MAllah Wakbar
10 MAllahuma takabal mina
10 MAllahuma ta9abal minna saliha al a3mal🤲
10 MAllah acepte esta sadaka y me agüe a aprobar mi examen
10 MAllah ishafi mama w baba w ishafi ga3 ummah muslima. Ta9abala allahu minna wa minkum🤲🏻
10 MYa Allah aceptes esta donación, nuestro mes de ayuno y nuestras súplicas. Ya Allah hagas de nosotros mejores musulmanes, ya Allah nos concédas entrar en tu Jannah firdaws. Allahumma amin
10 MQue se acabe este genocidio contra los palestinos, Palestina libre
10 MQue allah swt acepte todas mis duas y me guíe siempre hacia su camino
10 MAllahuma ta9abal mina, Allahuma inni li ma anzalta ilaya mij khairij faqir amiiiin
10 M❤️🩹🇵🇸
10 MQue الله nos guíe por el buen camino, que perdone nuestros pecados, que haga estar felices con lo que ha destinado para nosotros… que la vida de este mundo no nos distraiga de lo importante. Ojalá que en Palestina dejen de sufrir, de morir de hambre… que afortunados somos los que tenemos un plato de comida الحمدلله no necesitamos nada más
10 MQue Dios, el todopoderoso acepte nuestro ayuno, nuestras oraciones y nuestras suplicas inshaallah!
10 M🤍
10 Mالحمدلله يارب 🙏🏼
10 M3sisa lah irehmak
10 MBismillah
10 MAllah ita9abal menna siyamana🤲🏻
10 Mbi ibdni allah
10 MAlah yetaqabal siyamana
10 MAllahuma takabel min al jami3
10 MAllah itaqabel mina w min walidina w xafina w 3afina allahuma Amin🤲🏻🤲🏻
10 MAllah itakabal siyamana 🙏🏼
10 MYa raaab 🥺
10 MRamadán Mubarek
10 MAl ihsan✨
10 MAllah ytakabel mina 🩷
10 MSadaqah 10€ por mis padres, 10€ por mis abuelos Allah yerhamhoum, y 10€ para mis dos hermanos y yo
10 MQue Allah nos dé Baraka en nuestro matrimonio
10 MAllahuma rham ummi kama ra7imatni saghiran. Allahuma as3id ummi kama as3adatni kabeeran. Allahuma aj3al ummi mina ladina la khawfun 3alayhim wa lahum ya7zanon. Wa akrimha bil firdaws a3la mina al jannati ya kareem Ya Allah doy gracias por tener siempre comida en mi plato. Un hogar y una familia. Allahuma ta9abal siyamana
10 MAllah
10 MAllah ita9abel
10 MAllahoma balighna ramadan w barak lana fih 🤲🏼ya rabbi ychafi jami3 al muslimin
10 MRamadán Mubarak said
10 MRabi ij3alho f mizan hasanat w asli7li doriyati
10 M🤲🤲☝️
10 MAllah ita9abal mina,
10 M🤍
10 MAllahuma ta9abala siyamana wa roko3ana o aghfirli wa li walidaya 🤲🏻
10 MQue Allah acepte nuestro ayuno y el de jami3e moslimine 🤲
10 MAllah yta9abl mana mnkom syamna o maghfirat donob o lah ychafi koula marid ya rabi . Ramadan Mubarak 🌙
10 MQue Allah acepte nuestras suplicas🤲🏼
10 MAllah ita9abal mina 🤲🏻
10 MPor mis abuelos esposo de mi tía y mis familiares lah ij3alha fe mizan hasanatihom wa mhu sayi2atihom ya rab wa rzo9ni tawba nasuha ya rebi wa yaser amri
10 Mرمضان مباركه للجميع يارب 🤲🏻
10 M
Anonymous donation Donated 5€
Allah yerza9na durriya saliha, ya rab que todos los musulmanes tengan éxito en esta vida y en la siguiente.
9 MAida Traidi Donated 7€
Allah yerza9ni durriya saliha ya rab
9 MAnonymous donation Donated 10€
Allah itakabal
9 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allahumma inni as'aluka 'ilman naafi'aa, wa rizqan tayyibaa, Wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan ALLAHU LATIFUM BI 'IBADIHI YARZUQU MAY-YA SHA WA HUWAL QAWIY-YUL 'AZIZ Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa zurriyatina qurrota 'ayunina waj'alna lil muttaqina imama. Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun, tuhibb al-'afwa, fa'fu 'anni
9 MAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Allah i taqqabal a todos los musulmanes, La illaha illa Allah🤲🏼
9 MAnonymous donation Donated 3€
9 MAnonymous donation Donated 10€
Eid mobarak said 🤲🏼
9 MAnonymous donation Donated 2€
Allahumma ta9abal minna wa minkum🤲🏻🤲🏻
9 MAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Haz dua para poder completar la mitad de mi din Allah i ta9abal siyamana
10 M