Decent Home Forever

Decent Home Forever

8.059€ raised out of 15.000€
  • 491 donors
  • remaining days
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This campaign is in an urgent need of funds!

Created 09 December 2023 | Solidarity | Zakat Eligible

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. This campaign seeks to extend a hand of solidarity and compassion towards a disabled young man and his elderly mother, who have recently been evicted from their home in Lksar Lkbir. Despite the challenges, this brave son has been the primary caregiver for his mother. Now, more than ever, they need our help to secure a safe and permanent refuge.


For years, this young man and his mother have shared a home full of love and mutual care. Despite his disability, he has shown extraordinary strength and dedication in caring for his mother. However, recently, life has presented them with a huge challenge: they have been evicted from their home, a place where they have created countless memories and found comfort for many years.

Campaign Objective:

Our goal is to raise 10.000€ to purchase a suitable and accessible home in Lksar Lkbir, where they can live with dignity, security, and peace. This home will not only provide them with a roof over their heads but will also be a sanctuary of continuous love and care.

How Funds Will Be Used:

"100% of the funds raised will be allocated to:

  • The purchase of an accessible and safe home.
  • Required home adaptations for the son's disability.
  • Basic moving and settling expenses in their new home.

Sadaqah Jariyah:

"Contributing to this cause is a form of Sadaqah Jariyah, a continuous charity that keeps providing benefits and rewards for both the donor and the recipient, long after it has been given. By helping this son and his mother, you are investing in an act of kindness that will continue to grow and benefit others in the future."

Comments (117)
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 20€

    Que esta ayuda alivie vuestras dificultades y traiga bendiciones a vuestras vidas. Ya rabb

  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    Allaahumma akfini bi halallika 'an haraamika, wa aghnini bi fadlika 'amman siwaka 🙏🏼 Ramadán Mubarak ☪️

  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 20€

    Allah ita9abal minna

  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    اللهم إني أسألك من فضلك ورحمتك، فإنه لا يملكها إلا أنت

  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 9€

    Da3wa rahma ljdodi o 3ami , o alah r7am jami3 yarbi fi hade nhar

    1 M
  • Awesome Image
    Fatima El Hasnaoui Donated 1€

    Lah idir li fiha liher

    2 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 1€

    Oh Allah, con tu permiso te pido, por favor, que mi prometido consiga un buen trabajo fijo sin necesidad de dejar su ciudad en ningún momento. Oh Allah, dale mucho rizq ya rabbi y facilitanos el halal🤲🏻 a nosotros y a todos In sha Allah ya Rabbi al3alamin🤲🏻

    2 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    BismiLah, está donación va en nombre de mis padres y mis herman@s, que Alah Swt la acepte In Cha Alah

    2 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    الحمدلله 🤲🏻

    2 M
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