This campaign has ended
This campaign has ended
In many villages in Togo, access to clean drinking water is a basic need that is still unmet. The Barakah Well will be a manual well that will provide clean and safe water to a community that has suffered for years due to the lack of access to this vital resource.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ taught us that charity is one of the best ways to gain the favor of Allah ﷻ, and what better way to give than by providing water, the most essential gift for life. "Charity never diminishes wealth," and this act of generosity has an eternal impact.
Every drop of water that this well provides will be a blessing, and every person who has access to it will have your name in their prayers. With your contribution, you can help change lives, save lives, and bring hope to those who need it most.
This well is not just an act of solidarity, but an investment in the future of an entire community. By providing access to clean water, you will be contributing to improving health, education, and the quality of life for all those who will benefit from this resource.
Make your donation today and share this blessing with the world! Your support, whether large or small, can make a difference. The Barakah Well is more than just a well; it is a gateway to a better future.
This campaign has ended
Takabal ALLAH
27dYa Allah guíame en el camino recto y perdoname mis pecados y los pecados de todos los musulmanes, Amin
1 Mاللهم أجعلها صدقة جارية لجدتي الله ارحمها
1 MDonación a nombre de Ouassima, Fatiha y Jamal
1 MAllah ichafi ummii🤲
1 Mربي إني لما أنزلت إلي من خير فقير
1 M🤲
1 MQue ALLAH swt perdone y oculte nuestros errores ,ya ALLAH swt purifique nuestras intenciones y aceptar nuestras buenas obras
1 Msadaka li walidiya Abdenacer w Faiza Mahfoud w Fatima
1 MEsta sadaka va a nombre de mi padre allah irhmo u jami3 muslimin en este viernes 🤲🏻
1 M🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
1 M🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
1 M
Anonymous donation Donated 20€
Takabal ALLAH
27dAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Ya Allah guíame en el camino recto y perdoname mis pecados y los pecados de todos los musulmanes, Amin
1 MAnonymous donation Donated 50€
اللهم أجعلها صدقة جارية لجدتي الله ارحمها
1 MAnonymous donation Donated 30€
Donación a nombre de Ouassima, Fatiha y Jamal
1 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allah ichafi ummii🤲
1 MAnonymous donation Donated 6€
ربي إني لما أنزلت إلي من خير فقير
1 MTaroub EL Donated 4€
1 MAnonymous donation Donated 3€
Que ALLAH swt perdone y oculte nuestros errores ,ya ALLAH swt purifique nuestras intenciones y aceptar nuestras buenas obras
1 MAnonymous donation Donated 9€
sadaka li walidiya Abdenacer w Faiza Mahfoud w Fatima
1 M