Participate in the New Mosque in Olite


Participate in the New Mosque in Olite

6€ raised out of 70.000€
  • 2 donors
  • 0 remaining days

This campaign has ended

Created 03 April 2024 | Mosques

Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatu Allah,

On behalf of the board of directors of the Muslim Community of Sant Cugat del Vallés (Barcelona), we are launching this campaign to purchase a mosque and create an Islamic cultural center in our municipality.

History of the As-sunna Mosque

Currently, our place of worship is the As-sunna Mosque, located at Montserrat 63, Baixos. It is a mosque that was started by the first generations of Muslims in the municipality approximately 25 years ago. Since then, in addition to being our place of worship, it has been a place where Arabic and Deen classes have been taught to our youngest members. Over the years, the Muslim community has grown, Alhamdulilah, to the point where our current mosque has become too small. On important dates, such as Ramadan, Eid al Fitr, or Eid Al Adha, brothers and sisters cannot fit, and we have to resort to public places, such as community centers, to carry out our worship activities.

For more than a year, we have been working very hard to find a better place to build a worship center, owned by us. Alhamdulilah, Allah has facilitated the entire bureaucratic process, and now we need your support. We are doing everything possible to raise funds, including selling solidarity tote bags, fundraising campaigns, and contacting other mosques to access loans, in order to achieve our goal, inshaeAllah. However, despite having grown as a Muslim community in Sant Cugat, we are still a small community, so we need your support and help.

Among all these blessings from Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, a significant setback has arisen: the current rental location where we are (our current masjid) has been put up for sale by a hedge fund. Therefore, we run the risk of being evicted within weeks or months, and Allah knows best. This is why every donation, whether small or large, is a great khair and brings us closer to saving an entire community from being left without a masjid in our municipality.

As Muslims, you know how important it is to have a dignified and proper place of worship, where all believers can go to the house of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala. Where, on our most important dates, we can go to celebrate in proper conditions. We are convinced that this mosque will be a Rahma for our municipality and for all generations of believers.

Plant a Sadaqah Jariyah

We ask you to support us in this project by making a Sadaqah Jariyah, a Sadaqah for life, which will not only benefit the Ummah but also grant you the reward of this good deed (khair) even after leaving this Dunya. We thank Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, for all the facilities given to us during the process and for all the Barakah!

Baraka Allahu fikum wa Takabala Allah Sadaqatikom,
Islamic Community of Sant Cugat del Vallés

Upgrades (1)

23 July 2024
Por: Safidin Dzhavatov, Organizador

Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatu Allah, En nombre de la junta directiva de la Comunidad Musulmana de Olite iniciamos esta campaña para conseguir la primera mezquita en el pueblo Olite Navarra y la creación de un centro cultural islámico en nuestro municipio. Historia de la Mezquita El Badr Actualmente, tenemos como lugar de culto la mezquita Al Badr, ubicada en la calle rua Alcalde Maillata n1, Olite (Navarra). Es una mezquita que iniciaron las primeras generaciones musulmanas del municipio hace aproximadamente 3 años. Desde entonces, además de ser nuestro lugar de culto, ha sido un lugar donde se han impartido clases a los más pequeños de árabe y de nuestro Deen. Los años fueron pasando y la comunidad musulmana ha ido creciendo, ¡Alhamdulilah!, hasta el punto que la actual mezquita se nos ha quedado pequeña. En fechas tan importantes, como son el Ramadán, el Eid al Fitr o el Eid Al Adha, los hermanos y hermanas no caben y tenemos que recurrir a lugares públicos, tales co