This campaign has ended
This campaign has ended
Assalamu aleikom brothers and sisters,
We are reaching out to you to ask for your help in an extremely difficult situation faced by a family in Tetouan, Morocco.
A father is gravely ill. He suffers from diabetes, which has caused infections in his toes, resulting in the amputation of one toe and another toe is also affected. His vision has deteriorated drastically; he sees very little with one eye and nothing with the other, and he is undergoing laser treatment.
Additionally, for the past year, this brother has been undergoing dialysis as he had one kidney removed and the remaining one is not functioning properly.
This man needs our help and the mercy of Allah to continue his treatments, pay for medical visits, transportation, and cover basic food needs.
His wife is his only caregiver, also taking care of their two young children. Due to the severity of his condition, she cannot work, and the family has no income.
We have attached the relevant medical records for those who wish to verify them.
With the help of Allah and our dear Ummah, we ask for your generosity to raise funds to help them through this difficult situation.
May Allah accept your good deeds and grant him a swift recovery. Amín.
This campaign has ended
Que ALLAH swt acepte nuestras acciones y purifique nuestra fé .
8 MAllah ichafik
8 MAllah ikhafih u ikhafi ljami3 muslimin
8 MAllah ishafih we 3awenhom yarbi
8 MQue allah me cure de la enfermedad que tengo y me de Salud, a mi y a todos los musulmanes del mundo. Haced día conmigo para que salga del hospital rápido y me recupere
8 MAllah y shafeh ya rab🙏
8 MLah echafeh❤️
8 MBi chifa Inchallah 🤲🏻
8 MRabbi inni li ma anzaltahu ilaya min l’hai fin fa9ir.
8 MAllah ishafih w isahel a3lih w a3la jami3 almuslimeen fi kul makan
8 MDios me facilite todos mis asuntos d3iw m3aya 🤲🏻
8 MAllah ishafi
8 MQue Allah perdone los pecados de los musulmanes y de las musulamanas, de los creyentes y de las creyentes.
8 MQue Allah ta'Ala lo cure y le de una buena salud
8 Mb shiffa inshallah 🤲🏼 hacer dua para que allah me otorgue un cónyuge saleh y al jami3 muslimin 🤲🏼
8 MAllah ichafik w ichafih ljami3 lmuslimin ya rabbi 🤲🏻.
8 MAllah ichafih u yachfi kulli marid
8 MAllah yshafek
8 MQue allah haga de mi doria doria sali7a ya rab
8 MQue Allah sws le de fuerza y sabr. Allah ishafi3 y a todos los musulmanes.
8 MAllah ichafi jami3 marda lmuslimin
8 MAllahi shafik 🤍
8 MAllah ychafih
8 MYa allah sterna w rzeka w l masakil li gendna ihaliw 3la jir,winjah rajli nchaellah,3tina saha mziana,w smehna
8 Mالهم رب الناس اذهب البأس واشف أنت الشافي لا شفاء إلا شفاؤك شفاء لا يغادر سقما
8 MEsta sadaqa la hago en nombre de mi padre allah irrahmu
8 MAllah i chafih w Allah i neja7ni in sha allah!💖
8 MAllah isafik amin 🤲🏻
8 MAllah proteja a mis hijos y mi marido y los guíe por el camino correcto.
8 MAllah ichafih
8 MLah ishefi in shaa allah
8 MAllah y shafih w shafi jami3 muslimin 🤲🏼
8 MAllah ychafe7
8 MLah ychafi
8 Mأذهب الباس رب الناس واشف أنت الشافي لا شفاء إلا شفاؤك شفاءً لا يغادر سقمًا
8 MAllah ichafih u i3afih 🤲🏻🤲🏻
8 MAllah yshafi 🤲🏻
8 MRabbi inni li ma anzaltahu ilaya min khairin fa9ir.
8 MAllah ichafih ya rabi
8 MAllah y shafi.
8 MMay Allah make it easy for you.
8 MAlah yshafeh u yshof mn halo ya rbi
8 M
Anonymous donation Donated 1€
Que ALLAH swt acepte nuestras acciones y purifique nuestra fé .
8 MAnonymous donation Donated 10€
Allah ichafik
8 MAnonymous donation Donated 2€
Allah ikhafih u ikhafi ljami3 muslimin
8 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allah ishafih we 3awenhom yarbi
8 MAnonymous donation Donated 10€
Que allah me cure de la enfermedad que tengo y me de Salud, a mi y a todos los musulmanes del mundo. Haced día conmigo para que salga del hospital rápido y me recupere
8 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allah y shafeh ya rab🙏
8 MAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Lah echafeh❤️
8 MAnonymous donation Donated 10€
Bi chifa Inchallah 🤲🏻
8 MAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Rabbi inni li ma anzaltahu ilaya min l’hai fin fa9ir.
8 M