This campaign is in an urgent need of funds!
I turn to Islamic Fundraising to ask for your help on behalf of Bouzekri, a 63-year-old man from Morocco who is fighting a tough battle against kidney disease affecting both of his kidneys. Additionally, Bouzekri is diabetic and does not have the resources to cover even the basic costs of his diabetes treatment.
In Morocco, the healthcare system faces many limitations, and medical costs are extremely high. This makes the treatments and surgeries Bouzekri needs inaccessible to him. For example, the cost of a simple X-ray and medications has reached €500, while the necessary surgical operations amount to €3,500.
After one of the surgeries, Bouzekri faced an unexpected and serious problem: the doctors, due to an error during the surgery, left gas inside his body. This medical error has caused additional complications, worsening his health condition and requiring urgent medical attention. Bouzekri has had to undergo new procedures and treatments to correct this mistake, further increasing the already high costs of his treatment.
For months, Bouzekri's family has done everything possible to cover the medical expenses, from surgical interventions to the daily treatments his condition requires. To afford these costs, they have been forced to borrow money from friends and acquaintances, seeking any available source of support. Thanks to these efforts, they have managed to cover part of the expenses needed to keep him alive.
However, the situation has become unsustainable. Now, the family faces the harsh reality of having to repay all these loans in a very short time, which has increased their pressure and stress. Not only do they have to deal with the suffering of seeing Bouzekri's health deteriorate, but they are also burdened by growing debt, unable to guarantee they can raise the money needed to continue his treatment.
Despite everything, Bouzekri still needs a new surgery to treat his second kidney, which is also in poor condition. Doctors have indicated that this surgery is essential to save his life, but the associated costs (hospitalization, surgery, medications, and X-rays) are very high, and the family does not have the resources to afford them.
Please, I ask you from the bottom of my heart to help this man. With your generosity, we can be the reason Bouzekri and his family return to a normal life.
May Allah reward you with goodness multiplied a thousandfold. Barakallahu fikom, and may Allah grant you Jannat Al Firdaws for your help.
This campaign is in an urgent need of funds!
Allahumma rabban-nas, adhhib al-ba’s, washfi antashaafi, la shifaa’a ila shifaa’uk shifaa’an la yughaadiru saqaman.
3dالله يشفيك عمي 🤲🏼
4dAllah ishafih
4dAllah yej3alha men maghfirat donob
4dEn nombre de mi fallecido hermano. Inna li Lah wa inna li Lah wa raji3on. Allah erhem f ad nhar a mi precioso hermano.
7dAllahychafik 🤲
7dAllahuma ighfer lana
8dÁnimos 🤲
9dAllah ysehl sahbti f dak chi li tmenato (k)
10dاللهم رب الناس اذهب الباس و اشف انت الشافي لا شفاء الا شفاؤك شفاء لا يغادر سقما
10dSada9a por cuenta de mi tío Allah yrahmo ou yarhem jami3 lmoslimin
11dاللهم اغفر لي ولوالدي وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات
11dAllah y chafih nchallah 🤲🏼
11dQue Allah nos guíe por el camino recto, allahuma amin 💖
11dAllah ichafih 🤲🏽♥️
12dRabbi la tadarni fardan wa anta khayrun alwaritin. Herman@s desearme duria saliha por favor. Muchas gracias.
12dAllah isahla 3lia a ya rabi hacer mucho doua conmigo. Que Allah irze9ni sabr u naja7
13dAllahychafi ljami3
13dQue Allah lo sane
15dHamdulilah por todo, y que allah facilite la situación de este hermano, y que le de buena salud
15dAllah ichafih u ichafii jamiigh lmoslimin🤍
15dRabbi inni li ma anzalta ilaya min khairin fa9ir. Allahumma chfihi wachfi ummi chifa2an la iughadiru sa9ama.
18dQue allah le de salud y sabr y se recupere pronto, que allah perdone mis pecados y los de mi familia amén
21dEn nombre de un buen hombre (Mohamad), que الله le recompense con kheir bi idni الله.
22dAllah ychafih
22dYa Allahhhh
23dAllh ychafih w ychafina, w jaami3 almuslimin🥺🤲🤲
23dاللهم انت الشافي المعافي اشفِ مرضانا ومرضى المسلمين شفاء لا يغادر سقماً اللهم أرح قلب من اكتوى هماً بمرض قريب له وابكهِ فرحاً بشفاء من يحب
23dAllah le purifique
23dAllah yxafih 🤲🏻
24dAllah i shefih 🤲🤲
24dAllah ychafih w yzidlo f saha
24dAllah ichafih
24dAllah ishafi jami3 marda almuslimin🤲🏼
24d🤍🌸Hermanas Musulmanas🌸🤍
24dAllah ichafih
24dInshallah todo salga bien
24dAllah echafih 🥺🤲🏻🤲🏻
24dAllah ychafeh w ychafina jami3an, ya rabbi! 🤲🏽🤲🏽
24dQue alah lo cure y lo alivie pronto, alah irham mi querida Safae, Hicham, la gente de Palestina,mis abuelos y tías y toda la umah
24dاللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ النَّاسِ، أَذْهِبِ الْبَأْسَ، اشْفِهِ وَأَنْتَ الشَّافِي، لَا شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاؤُكَ، شِفَاءً لَا يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا.
24dLah yshafi aljami3
24dAllah sane a todos los enfermos in sha Allah, incluido mi hijo
24dAllah yxafih o xafi jami3 muslimin 🤲🏻
24dHacer du3a por mi padre enfermo por favor gracias u Alah ishafih yami3in muslimin
24dAllah i chafih 🩷✨
24dEsta donación va a nombre de mi padre allah irhmo.
24dLah ichafi 🤍🤍🤲🏻🤲🏻
24dAllah i shafi
24dQue Allah cure a mi madre y no facilite el asunto...
24dPor mi abuela y por que todo salga bien el 27
24dAllah ychafi 3ami إن بعد العسر يسرى 😊
24dAllah yxafih ya rebi o yxafi jami3 almoslimin 🤲🏻
25dAllah Ikon m3ahom 🤲
25dAllah ishafih yarebi, necesito que haga duaa en este último viernes de rajab, Que allah me conceda mi matrimonio pronto con mi prometido y nos quite todo el mal yarebi.
25dAllah ychafi
25dYa rabi lehbib chafi kola mared ya arhama rahimin ahdini n sirat mosta9im w chafi walidia w tawalom f la3mar w dakhal rahma ela jdodi w lham jami3 ummat mohamed
25dAllah ichafih ya rab u ichafi jami3 lmuslimin 🤲🏻
25dAllah ichafih
25dAllah ychafih jami3 lmuslimin
25dAllah ichafik
25dLlah ichafih u ichafi jami3 mouslimim ajma3in
25dYa arabi allah ichafi aljami3 muslimin, allah ayudame esta vez a tener un bebé sano inchae allah, esta sadakka es para mi familia y mis abuelos
25dAllah ichafi
25dLLah ichafih ya Rbi
25dAllah ichafi jami3 al muslimin
25dAllah ichafi
25dAllah ichafih w ichafi jami3 almuslimin in shaa allah
25dAllahuma arzi9ni duriatan saliha.
25dAlhwma chafi kul marid yrab
25dAllah ichafi jami3 🤲🏻🤲🏻
25dAllah isafik amin
25dAllah i shafef ya rabi, allah i shafi a mi madre también u shafi jami3 muslim ya rab 🤲🤲
25dQue Allah acepte nuestras súplicas 🤲🏼🥹
25dدعاء لتسيير اموري
26dAllah ichafi
26dPor favor , quien vea este comentario que haga duaa conmigo , hecho un examen muy importante necesito aprobarlo .
26dAllah ikhafih u ikhafi ljami3 muslimin 🤲🏻
27dAllah ychafih w ychafi jami3 almuslimin!!🤲🤲🤲🥺
27dQue allah le ayude
28dShifaa inshallah
28dAllah ychafek🤲
28dاللهم اشفي انت الشافي العافي 🤲🏻
28dAllah itakebel
28dQuiera Allah darle una pronta recuperación. Amin🤲🏼
29dYaallah sterna rzekna maikons 3andna chi mazakil,ikon 3andna daymen saha mziana w saha dyal wladi w bnti tkon mzian,smehna ,ikon lifih lkhir
29dAllah le de shifa a él y a toda la ummah enferma 🤲🏻
29dAllah ychafih 🤍
29dAllah ixafih wi3afih
30dAllah i shafih🤍
30dاللهم اغفر لي
30dAllah ichafih
30dAllah ishafih 🤲🏼🤲🏼
1 MAllah ichafih ljami3 limuslimin 🤲🏻
1 MFisabiliallah
1 MQue Allah nos acepte esta pequeña sadaka 🤲🏽
1 MQue Allah le otorge la cura y la paciencia por su situación.
1 M🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
1 MAllah ichafik 🤲
1 MAllah ichafih ❤️🤲🏻
1 MDu3ae con la salud de mi madre
1 MYa Allah chafeh u 3afih u chfi jami3 ummah
1 MAllah ichafik
1 MAllah ychafik 3ami 🤲🏼
1 MLa Ilaha Ila ant subhanak ini kunti mina dalimin
1 MAllah i ateh shifa, u Allah i sahal, La illaha illa allah, Al hamdulillah ia rabb al’alameen🤲🏻🤲🏻
1 MAllah ichfih
1 MQue allah lo cure y perdone mis pecados y facilite mis asuntos y los de mi hermanos musulmanes
1 MAllah ishafi In Sha Allah Que Allah te cure a tí y a todos los enfermos In sha Allah🤲🏻. Oh Allah, con tu permiso te pido, por favor, que Yemel consiga un buen trabajo fijo sin necesidad de dejar su ciudad en ningún momento.
1 MAllah ychafik 3amo
1 MAssallalahu al Adhim, Rabbul arsh al adhim an yashfiyak.
1 MAllah ijib chifa
1 MAllah i shafih, La illaha illa Allah, Al hamdulillah ya rabbi l’alameen🤲🏻
1 MAllahumma Rabbin-nas, adhhibil-ba'sa, ishfi, wa antash-shafi, la shifa'a illa shifa'uk, shifa'an la yughadiru saqaman
1 M
Anonymous donation Donated 2€
Allahumma rabban-nas, adhhib al-ba’s, washfi antashaafi, la shifaa’a ila shifaa’uk shifaa’an la yughaadiru saqaman.
3dAnonymous donation Donated 2€
الله يشفيك عمي 🤲🏼
4dAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allah ishafih
4dAnonymous donation Donated 10€
Allah yej3alha men maghfirat donob
4dAnonymous donation Donated 9€
En nombre de mi fallecido hermano. Inna li Lah wa inna li Lah wa raji3on. Allah erhem f ad nhar a mi precioso hermano.
7dAnonymous donation Donated 9€
Allahychafik 🤲
7dAnonymous donation Donated 5€
Allahuma ighfer lana
8dAnonymous donation Donated 2€
Ánimos 🤲
9dAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Allah ysehl sahbti f dak chi li tmenato (k)