This campaign has ended
This campaign has ended
Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings. Brothers and sisters, Muslims and Muslimas.
Today I come to talk about the case of our brother Mohammed. Mohammed is a man who works in the forest cutting branches and logs. One day, like every day after Eid Adha, he went to work and while cutting a branch, it got into his eye. He was urgently taken to Rabat for an emergency operation, as otherwise, he could lose his sight forever.
Our brother Mohammed needs our help. He is going through a difficult economic situation and lacks the necessary resources to cover the operation, expenses, medications, and medical check-ups. Since he couldn't pay for the operation, a friend of his covered the costs, but now he needs to repay the loan. Additionally, he needs to cover the costs of medical check-ups and transportation from Khenifra to Rabat every 15 days, as well as many other expenses.
Every donation we make will help cover the medical and treatment expenses.
May Allah reward you and bless you all.
This campaign has ended
This campaign has ended
Fi sabiliLah.
6 MRabbi inni li ma anzaltahu ilaya min khairin fa9ir. Fi sabili Lah.
6 MFi Sabilillah
6 MFi sabili allah
6 MFi sabiliLah.
6 MAllah ychafih
6 MRabbi inni li ma anzaltahu ilaya min khairin fa9ir.
6 MAllah ychafik alhbib
6 MFi sabiliLah.
6 MAllah y chafih nchallah
6 MQue Allah cure todo enfermo!
6 Mالهم رب الناس اذهب البأس واشف أنت الشافي لا شفاء إلا شفاؤك شفاء لا يغادر سقما ♥️
6 MQue ese chico me perdone
6 Mربنا هب لنا من أزواجنا وذرياتنا قرة أعين واجعلنا للمتقي اماما 🤲🏼
6 MAllah i shafih u i shafi jami3 l Muslimin
6 MAllah ishafe lwalida dyali w jami3 al muslimin.
6 MAllahumma ichfihi wachfi jami3 almuslimin. Fi sabiliLah.
6 MAllah ychafih yarab🤲🏻
6 MAllah ishafih
6 MMay Allah SWT grant Shifaa Ameen
6 MAllahuma yeshfih u yeshfini u yeshfi jami3 lmuslimin 🤲
6 Mالحمدلله Que Allah me perdone y de Salud a mis padres
6 MAllahoma j3alha sada9a jaria 3ala ajdadi wa zawja 5alati wa j3alha fe mizan hasanatihom wa j3alha ma4firat li donubihom ya rab
6 MAllah ichafik
6 MFi sabiliLah..
6 MAllahychafik🤲🏽
6 MAllah ichafih w ichafi aljami3 allah insar al muslimin f falestine 🇵🇸
6 MAllah Ichfi
6 MAllah i shefih, la illaha illa allah, al hamdulillah 🤲🏻
6 MRabbi inni li ma anzaltahu ilaya min khairin fa9ir.
6 MAllah ichafik
6 MAllah ishafih 🤲🏼
7 Mاَللّٰهُمَّ رَبَّ النَّاسِ ، أَذْهِبِ الْبَأْسَ ، اِشْفِ أَنْتَ الشَّافِيْ ، لَا شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاؤُكَ ، شِفَاءً لَّا يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا. Allāhumma Rabba-n-nās, adh-hibi-l-ba’s, ishfi Anta-sh-Shāfī, lā shifā’a illā shifā’uk, shifā’al-lā yughādiru saqamā. O Allah, the Lord of mankind, remove this disease. Cure, for You are the One who cures. There is no c
7 MAllah itaqabal siento no poder dar más.
7 MAllah ichafik
7 MAllah i shefih, la illaha illa allah wahdahu la sharika lahu lahul mulku wa lahu al hamdu wa hua ‘ala kulli sha’in kadir🤲🏻
7 M
Anonymous donation Donated 2€
Fi sabiliLah.
6 MAnonymous donation Donated 2€
Rabbi inni li ma anzaltahu ilaya min khairin fa9ir. Fi sabili Lah.
6 MAnonymous donation Donated 4€
Fi Sabilillah
6 MAnonymous donation Donated 100€
Fi sabili allah
6 MAnonymous donation Donated 2€
Fi sabiliLah.
6 MAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Allah ychafih
6 MAnonymous donation Donated 1€
Rabbi inni li ma anzaltahu ilaya min khairin fa9ir.
6 MAnonymous donation Donated 2€
Allah ychafik alhbib
6 MAnonymous donation Donated 2€
Fi sabiliLah.
6 M