Help Hayar: Fighting Cancer


Help Hayar: Fighting Cancer

5.822€ raised out of 8.000€
  • 410 donors
  • 43 remaining days
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Created 23 October 2024 | Family | Zakat Eligible


We are raising funds to help Hayar, a young Moroccan girl from Agadir who is battling cancer in her leg. A few days ago, on October 22, 2024, Hayar underwent an urgent operation in Casablanca, as doctors warned that without it, the cancer could spread throughout her body.

Hayar’s family is facing a difficult economic situation and cannot cover the costs of this operation. In addition, Hayar must continue with chemotherapy treatment, which costs €800 per session. The doctors have recommended 11 sessions, an amount her family cannot afford.

This humble family lives in a rural area of Agadir, far from Casablanca, where she is hospitalized. A benefactor in Casablanca has taken them in during this time, but they are desperate due to the high treatment costs and lack of resources.

On the campaign profile, you will find photos of Hayar, her leg before and after the operation, and her medical reports. Any help, even €1 per person, can make a big difference for her, Insha Allah. If anyone has contacts or can transfer Hayar to a hospital in Oujda where chemotherapy is more affordable, it would also be a great help.

May Allah reward you for your generosity and multiply your reward.

Comments (135)
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 1€


  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 10€

    Allahishafi! Por mi matrimonio y mis hijos!

  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    اللهم اشفيها في هذا الشهر المبارك

  • Awesome Image
    Ingri johanna González chavez Donated 10€

    🤲🏻🤲🏻por favor haced dua por mi padre que se encuentra en la UCI en estado de salud delicado 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻

  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    Que Allah cure a esta niña inshallah y le conceda buena salud ya rabi Amin

  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 100€

    May Allah SWT Grant Shifaa

  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    Allah ixafiha! Allahuma ta9abal mina

  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 100€

    May Allah Swt make it easy and Grant shifaa Kamila

  • Awesome Image
    Ouissal Oumchegri Donated 5€

    Lay shafi 🤲🏻💕

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