help build the BLANES mosque

help build the BLANES mosque

1.488€ raised out of 5.000€
  • 261 donors
  • 0 remaining days

This campaign has ended


Created 17 March 2024 | Mosques

Help Us Build Our House of Prayer!

The Muslim community of Blanes (MASJID AR RAHMA) has been present in the current mosque for over 30 years. With the growth of our population, we have been forced to seek a larger and more welcoming space, ALHAMDULILLAH. We have found a place that offers 700 square meters of space.

Discover Masjid Ar-Rahma

As you can see in the following images, our current space is only 200 square meters, including the washrooms and ablution areas. For over 30 years, we have been paying a monthly rent of 400 euros. However, on Fridays and during taraweeh in Ramadan, unfortunately, we do not have enough space for everyone in the mosque, preventing some sisters from attending. Additionally, the youth in our community study at the mosque every weekend.

From the Islamic community of Blanes (Masjid Ar-Rahma), we call on all Muslims around the world to help us build a new mosque. In this new space, we plan to include an Islamic learning center where the children and youth of Blanes can comfortably learn about our religion and perform our prayers.

"Those who give charity, whether during the day or at night, in private or in public, will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve." (Quran 2:274)

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise."

Comments (47)
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€


    3 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 4€


    5 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 1€

    In Shaa Allah

    8 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 4€

    Ya rabi pido que hagais dua por mi y mi salud y que allah nos facilite todo a todos in shaa allah

    8 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    Allah yata9abal minna

    10 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    Salam hermanos y hermanas. Por favor haced dua por mi madre ❤️

    10 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 3€

    في سبيل الله

    10 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    Sada9a en nombre de mi difunto padre Allah yrahmo u yarham jami3 al muslimin al ahya’i minhom wa al amwat. Allahoma inaka 3afowon tuhibo al 3afwa fa3fo 3ana

    10 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    Que salga todo bien yrabi🤲🤲

    10 M
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