Urgent Support to Save Mohammed's Life

Urgent Support to Save Mohammed's Life

4.727€ raised out of 15.000€
  • 366 donors
  • remaining days
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Created 03 November 2024 | Family

Assalamu alaykom wa rahmatu allahi wa barakatuhu, brothers and sisters,

Today I am writing to you on behalf of my cousin Mohammed, a 15-year-old boy who is fighting for his life after a serious traffic accident in Morocco. His situation is critical: he was rushed from the hospital in Al Hoceima to a specialist clinic in Fez, where doctors told us that the damage to his head is severe. Mohammed needs multiple surgeries, and his survival depends on every second.

Each day in the hospital costs more than 1,000 Euros, not including additional medicines and treatments. Healthcare in Morocco is expensive, and the family urgently needs support to cover these costs. We therefore appeal to your generosity; any contribution, small or large, , will make a difference.

Allah reminds us in the Quran:

“Whoever saves a life, it is as if he has saved all of humanity.” (Quran 5:32)
“The example of those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah is like a grain of wheat which yields seven heads, each head containing a hundred grains.” (Quran 2:261)

This is a time to come together as a community and take action. Every donation not only helps Mohammed, but brings blessings and rewards to the person who makes it. A small act of generosity can save a life.

For those who are unable to contribute financially, please share this message and make dua for Mohammed's health. Allah is the Healer, and together we can be the means to his recovery, in shaa Allah.

May Allah reward you generously and multiply His blessings. Your help is our hope in this time of need. Let us not miss this opportunity to do good and draw closer to Allah through charity.

May Allah grant us peace.

Comments (95)
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    الحمدلله يارب العالمين 🙏🏼🤲🏻

  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 30€

    Allah ichafih

  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 10€

    الله يشفيه ويعافيه ويقومه بالسلامة يا رب

    1 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 2€

    Allahumma rabban-nas, adhhib al-ba’s, washfi antashaafi, la shifaa’a ila shifaa’uk shifaa’an la yughaadiru saqaman.

    1 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    يا رب شفاءا لا يغادر سقما

    1 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    Allahouma eshfih Wa eshfi jami3 almarda almuslimin

    1 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 20€

    Taharun Insha Allah 🤲🏻

    1 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    Ya rabii sahal mas3ab allahoma xafih ya raba alalamin uxafi jami3 moslimin wal mo2minin . Wagfel lana walil moslimin mena al ahya2 wal amwat. Sada9a katnejii ya rabi haied 3la familia diali kolmen haja khaiba unejina men 3adabi nar amine amine

    1 M
  • Awesome Image
    Anonymous donation Donated 5€

    Espero que consiga recuperarse pronto bi idni allaha🤲🏼

    1 M
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